Different organizations, both online and offline, have different ways of communicating with their audience. The audience usually includes customers, prospects, resellers, distributors, the media, or simply those who drop in out of sheer curiosity. Some communicate through newsletters, e-mail and forums in a vibrant age of Web 2.0 social interactivity.
Others choose to remain traditional and communicate the old fashioned way with brochures, radio and television. And there are those who do not communicate with their customers at all and then sob vehemently when their customers walk away looking for greener pastures. Google is unique. It uses Blogs to communicate with you. If you have never visited a Google Blog, it is perhaps time that you do.
Using Google Blogs to Increase Website Traffic
The best way to maximize website traffic on your website is to closely follow what Google has to say about page rank, position in the SERPs and link popularity. Blogs such as the Website Optimizer Blog and the Webmaster Central Blog are absolutely must reads for you and you should read them daily without fail. Take careful notes and implement the various recommendations and you will notice the difference on your website in less than four weeks. Although there is no data available on how many of Google’s official Blogs have no follows in the comments section, it doesn’t hurt to comment constructively on Blog entries along with your website URL. Remember, however, that your comments should be meaningful, relevant and constructive.
Finally, if you believe that one or more of Google’s official Blogs contains information that might interest your site visitors, summarize this information under a News and Events section on your website and upload it regularly. Be sure to credit the data correctly.
Use Google Blogs to learn, to share and to boost traffic on; your website. And so here is the list:
List of 76 Official Google Blogs and Growing
The official Google Blog Google experts from the company provide insights into Google’s products and their use for you
Webmaster Central Blog The official blog on crawling and indexing sites for Google’s flagship search engine
Google Affiliate Network Blog News, views and announcements for both Google affiliate network publishers and advertisers
Google Analytics Blog The latest intelligence on resources from the Google analytics team and a must read for you
Official AdSense Blog An important source of information and announcements regarding the Google Adsense advertising program
Official AdWords Blog This is Google’s official Blog about the Google Adwords advertising program
Website Optimizer Blog Optimize your website for Google’s search engine with critical insights from this official Blog
Conversion Room Blog Tips and tricks on tracking and improving conversions online
Google book search Blog This gives you news from Google’s book search team
Google Checkout Blog Google Checkout assists online entrepreneurs and has a unique program for non-profit organizations So check out this site
Google Chrome Blog This Blog presents Announcements and discussions for Google’s Internet browser
Google Custom search Blog If you experience difficulty in using Google search or simply want to learn, here is the Blog for you
Google Desktop Blog The official source of announcements and information from the Google Desktop team, an application package from Google
Google Docs Blog Tips, pointers, news and general information about Google Docs
Google Enterprise Blog A really informative Blog on enterprise information, user strategy, search, improvement tips and various Google apps
AdSense for Feeds This unique Blog will help you publish and generate revenue through RSS feeds on your content publishing website, under-utilized feature so do check it out
Google Finance Blog The Google finance team provides not just news but also opinions and analysis in order to improve your net worth
Google Gmail Blog This Blog has a host of tricks and tips to help you become a power user of Google’s popular web mail service called Gmail
Research Blog A great place for you to find the latest information on Google’s Research endeavors directly from Google
Student Blog News about Google with specific relevance to the student community
Google Testing Blog The official Google Blog to test, mock-test, conduct third party tests prior to final product roll out
Google.org blog This gives you news and advance notice about Google’s philanthropic and CSR programs
Recharge IT Blog This site is about renewable energy, its use and emerging technologies
Google Base Blog This Blog covers a wide range of subjects directly related to Google and its various services
Blogger buzz Blog Technical site for those users who use Google’s blogging application
Google Earth Blog Valuable insights for you by the Google geography team
Google Mobile Blog Updates for you on mobile usage from the Google team
Google News Blog The official Blog from the team at Google News with tons of tips on news search and other features
Google Notebook Blog While existing users will be supported, this product is going to be discontinued from July, 2009
Google Orkut Blog This is your online guide to remain active in Google’s Web 2.0 space through social networking
Picasa blog This Blog is for photo archival buffs
Google Video Blog Learn all you want about video optimization from Google
Google You Tube Blog The official Blog for all the technology related to You Tube, the premier video sharing site from Google
Product Ideas Blog Innovative and cutting edge ideas from the Google product team usually announced here first
Mashup Editor Blog The official source of information about the Google Mashup Editor scheduled to be discontinued by July 2009
Open Source Blog This Blog provides critical insights and news about Google’s open source projects
Open Social API Blog This is the perfect website for you if you plan to organize social events on the Internet
Orkut Developer Blog This is where you can learn about announcements, new APIs, updates and events related to the Orkut social network developer platform
SketchUp API Blog This blog brings you news from Google’s SketchUp development team and is a must for SketchUp users
Consumer Packaged Goods Blog News from Google’s consumer packaged goods ideal for the home maker
Google Grants Blog This blog brings you news and important announcements from the Google grants team
Traditional Media Blog This is where you can get important news from Google’s TV, print and audio teams
Public Policy Blog This contains Google’s opinions on government plans and strategy
Mac Blog Google’s open source search tool for Macs and much more
Online Security Blog The latest news and alerts from Google on Internet security
Open Source Blog An important source of announcements, news and discussions about Google’s Open Source projects
AdWords API Blog The official source for keyword match type and keyword tool search
AJAX Search API blog Your official source on the AJAX Search API
Android Developers Blog Google’s official Blog which brings you information on the Open Handset Alliance Project which supports equal access to mobile telephony
App Engine Blog Tips and news from the Google App Engine Team
Code Blog The official Google code Blog for advanced level developers
Data APIs Blog Your official source for news, tips and tricks for the Google data application program interface
Google Reader Blog Information source for those interested in the Google Reader
Google Sites Blog The official word from Google about migrating to Google sites and much more
SketchUp Blog The Blog about communicating with Google Earth and updates on the new products introduced
Google talk Blog Google’s official Blog about voice, IM and open communication with Google Talk as the primary platform
Desktop APIs Blog Your one-stop source for Google Desktop APIs and help from like minded developers
Gadgets API Blog If you are developing gadgets then this site is a must visit
Gears API Blog Here you can keep up to date with gears geolocation APIs and learn about their implementation
Geo Developers Blog Google’s official Geo Developers Blog about all things terrestrial
iGoogle Developer Blog A source for enhancement of API changes and everything pertaining to iGoogle’s personalization initiative
Web Toolkit Blog Work on the web with a toolkit and learn more about it from this Blog from Google
Geo-centric Blogs
Many of Google’s blogs address the online search and other needs of a specific country or region. Here they are:
Latin America Blog
Africa Blog
Australia Blog
Brazil Blog
China Blog
Czech Republic Blog
India Blog
Italy Blog
Japan Blog
Korea Blog
Poland Blog
Russia Blog
Ukraine Blog
“Increase website traffic with Google blogs and watch the inundation!
Looking for the most comprehensive list of Google blogs on the Internet?
Google talks… we listen”