Entries by Naveen Kapur


Black Hat SEO Technique

As the Internet marketplace has grown increasingly more competitive,companies and webmasters continue to search for new and improved ways to appear highly in the displayed results of search engines. Some people and companies are willing to do whatever it takes to get ranked, and therefore end up delving into the world of black hat SEO […]


What is Black Hat Seo??

Black Hats work in the clients’ interest, plus protecting and promoting self. Black Hats insist on grey hats, and deny the existence of Black or White. Very, very few admit to owning a Black Hat, though many boast of their achievements. Go figure. Black Hats would be prepared, willing and happy to deceive search engines […]


Black Hat Tools

Black Hat Tools easily available on Google RSS Xploiter 2.3 Trackback Spider Trackback Submitter Pro Submitter HyperVRE Gold Blogomatix Rss to blog RSS to Blog Mass Installer RSS to Blog – Article Content Builder RSS to Blog – Article Extractor RSS to Blog – RSS Directory Submit Affiliate Feed Generator Synonymizer Content Solution 1.0 Content […]


Greyhat SEO Principles

Much has been made about blackhat SEO principles and, in general, greyhat SEO principles and techniques largely go unmentioned.The differences between black and white are obvious, but shades of grey begin to overlap and the line becomes blurred as to what is acceptable and what is not. Ultimately you must rely on sound judgment and core design […]


What is Grey Hat Seo??

Grey Hat (or Gray Hat): Since the color gray is between black and white,logically Grey Hat SEO sounds like a label for the middle ground. But it’s not.Because White is pure white and grey is a shade of black, we have confusion. Some say Grey Hat is NOT White Hat and is just a shade […]